Rachel Riat Müller

Attorney-at-Law and Job Sharing Consultant

Rachel Riat Müller is dually educated in both Law and Management. In 2000, she obtained a Master Degree in Faculty of Law from the University of Neuchâtel and was admitted to the Swiss Bar Association in 2003. After almost ten years working as a lawyer for the Swiss Government (Federal Office of Justice), Rachel decided to accept a new challenge and passed her EMBA at la Haute École de Gestion Arc in Neuchâtel. She wrote her master thesis on Top Sharing, as she had had the opportunity to observe and help manage the Swiss Abroad Organisation (OSA) to put in place a Top Sharing to lead the organisation. Inspired by the goal of rendering a well-suited career as a woman combined with taking care of her family, Rachel joined the PTO Association as a Job Sharing Expert and Coach. Additionally, Rachel just returned from a year in Cambridge (UK) where she collaborated with a series of persons working in the field of Job and Top Sharing.